What Are You Curious About?
Our Offerings
Our Purpose
Our History
Our Strategic Plan
Over Seven Decades of Transformational Experiences
Founder Reverent Bob McLaren addressing some of the first visitors of Naramata Centre, late 1950’s
Open to people of all ages, Naramata Centre is an inclusive, welcoming place to connect and deepen in mind, body and spirit.
Vision: Welcoming community: where people of all generations are valued for who they are.
Experience the Magic of Naramata Centre
Holy Mystery, Loving Presence, Spirit of Life:
It would have been enough if You had just brought us to this sacred place;
but you also gave us the capacity to take in the beauty of it all:Okanagan lake view, majesty of ponderosa pine, aroma of sage, tumble of clay bank, cactus dry hillside…
May our love of this beauty, inspire us to keep faith with all creation.
It would have been enough if You had just given us life in this Naramata Garden Paradise,
but we have also been blessed with imagination, creativity, the love of story, artistry, reflectiveness, and music.
May we fully embrace our imaginative potential as we shape a future for Naramata Centre in community.
It would have been enough if You had just given us one another as companions,
but we find ourselves alive with the instinct for love and compassion — a deep desire to embrace the diversity of human life: all ages, gendered expression, race and religion, multiples of giftedness: a rainbow gathering on the beaches and under the trees of Naramata.
May we never lose sight of the Deep Compassion at the Heart of our Lives.
It would have been enough if You had just placed in us a desire for compassion and justice;
but You also made us restless, indignant, and vocal in the pursuit of justice for all your creatures and all your creation.
May we always know a holy restlessness in us as we make gentle our bruised world through the life of Naramata.
It would have been enough if You had just inspired your great teachers and prophets to show us Your Ways, but you also gave each one of us things to do that illumine the holy purposes of this sacred creation.
May we each receive the courage and strength to release our sacred gifts into the unfolding future.
It would have been enough if You had brought us here and left us speechless,
but you also breathed into us the language of gratitude so that we would always remember the blessings that came from beyond us and be able to say ‘Thank you’ with our hearts, our hands, and our voices.
May we be a community that always keeps deepening into the discipline of gratitude.
And so we say thank you, thank you, thank you
And Amen.
We Look Forward to Welcoming You
Personal Retreats
We offer a range of accommodations, from modern suites to rustic cabins to tent and RV camp sites. Whether you are looking for a little peace and quiet, or want a place to reconnect with family and friends, we will make your stay enjoyable year-round! Naramata region is home to remarkable vineyards, chef-inspired restaurants and quaint shopping, hiking and recreation opportunities.
Summer Programs
Lovingly referred to as “Family Camp” we offer a different program every week in the summer. Join us for Wild Church or our ever-popular Music Week in late August. We have plenty of accommodations options to suite your lifestyle. Daily activities like yoga and art are included in your booking fees. Catered lunch is available as an add-on.
Group Bookings
Our facilities are unmatched in size and versatility in the South Okanagan. We have a variety of spaces, from spacious suites for break-out rooms to a gymnasium and chapel for larger group gatherings. Indoor and camping accommodations are available. We would be happy to host your value-aligned group on our property!
Our Mission
Inspiring individual and collective transformation in a safe, inclusive, sacred space.
Our Values
We seek, celebrate, and welcome all people who desire to be in community rooted in our values:
We work in partnership.
We welcome and honour all ages, abilities, cultures, economic and social circumstances, ethnicities, gender identities, religions, and sexual orientations.
We are honest, fair and just; what we say and how we act are congruent
We adapt in the presence of challenge and opportunity
We act with deep and courageous respect for the sacredness of life, in service to all creation, living with wonder and faith
“I truly treasure the deep friendships I’ve made over the many years at the Centre.”
— Shirley Vollett, Program Participant (pictured on the right)
We acknowledge and affirm our roots and connection to the United Church of Canada. Our Christian story gives us language and metaphor to share our stories, and is one path to deeper relationship with ourselves, one another and God. We encourage conversations and experiences that challenge us to explore questions about our beliefs and how we live in the world. We value diverse spiritual expression that nurtures all people, those who are trusting, doubting, seeking and knowing.
Our History

Accountability and Impact
Our Partners
We acknowledge our partners who contribute to our community, programming and sustainability
Our Community Partners
Our Program Partners
Our Funding Partners
Naramata Centre is a diverse community inspired by ancient and emerging Christian spiritual wisdom and practices. We gather to teach, learn and live the ways of compassion, love and justice.
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