Your Donations Help Us Keep The Naramata Centre Tradition Alive and Well
We Rely on Donors to Offer Bursaries to Folks Experiencing Financial Challenges
It's Go Time
Naramata Centre’s Board of Directors is working hard to keep the Centre open. But to put it as plainly as possible, the urgency is real. Without change – sustained change – the Centre will cease to exist. It’s not a cost problem. Rather, we have a significant revenue problem. The Centre is simply not sustainable with current operating deficits.
Focus on Sustainability
Our people: We must have enough staff, volunteers, partners and participants to deliver our mission.
Our finances: We must have enough sustainable revenue to cover the expenses of our people and site to deliver our mission.
Our site: We must invest and care for the grounds and facilities to shelter, feed and facilitate the people.
Each of these three pieces is necessary for Naramata Centre to fulfil its purpose, which is to inspire individual and collective transformation in a safe, inclusive, sacred space. If we cannot achieve all three, any other purposes or priorities are moot.
Make a Donation
A thriving, sustainable future for Naramata Centre is within reach. With the right priorities, plan and team, we will make it happen. Let's aim for that future together.
We Need YOU to help Naramata Centre find its way forward.
Supporting Naramata Centre does more than helping the Centre flourish. It also demonstrates there are people who value Naramata’s community and want to see it continue.
We Have a Plan
We have created a solid strategic plan to ensure Naramata Centre’s sustainability. It is our blueprint for how Naramata’s supporters can work together to guarantee the Centre’s fortunes continue to improve.
The plan can work, but it requires action by all of Naramata’s supporters. Please read the plan to understand the urgency and the threat to the Centre.
The strategic plan outlines two phases:
Phase One (2023-2026) focuses on sustainability and
Phase Two (2026-2028) focuses on revitalization.
Thanks to feedback from Naramata Centre’s community of supporters, we know that our top priority is to make the Centre sustainable.
Monthly Giving Works
If you’re like most Canadians, you may associate giving with a mad dash in late November and December trying to figure out which charities you will support and how much you will give before the year end charitable tax receipt deadline. It’s exhausting.
Instead of waiting for the Holiday Season, consider monthly giving to make a difference year-around. It’s easier on your wallet and it helps us plan our finances with more certainty.
Monthly giving provides a steady and predictable source of funding and allows us to plan more effectively.
Monthly giving is easy through Canada Helps - you can set up an automatic donation payment in a few clicks - and you don’t have to worry about it again!
Most of the donations we receive go towards the Heartwood Bursary
The Heartwood Bursary was established in 1988 under the principle that no one should be prevented from having access to the Centre’s programs solely on the basis of lack of financial resources. The Bursary was established to support low-income persons and in particular young adults, families with young children, persons with disabilities and/or their caregivers.
The continued availability of this Fund depends on everyone's generosity and integrity.
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