The Naramata Centre Society

Buy Your Naramata Centre Society Membership

The Naramata Centre Society is a not-for-profit organization registered under the British Columbia Societies Act.

Our bylaws allow for up to 13 people from the regions of the Alberta Northwest and British Columbia Conferences to be on the Board, with one non-voting representative from the Pacific Mountain Regional Council from BC Conference of the United Church of Canada. We strive to maintain a balance of skills required to do the work of the board, as well as by age, geography and gender. Board members are elected to a three-year term with the possibility of one further term of up to three years. Call for new board members occurs in the spring with elections at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. Watch our website in early spring for expressions of interest to serve on the Board.

Click here to read the Constitution and Bylaws of the Naramata Centre Society.

Get Involved

Supporting Naramata Centre does more than helping the Centre flourish. It also demonstrates there are people who value Naramata’s community and want to see it continue.

  • Invite friends/family to join you for programs and/or retreats

  • Do you belong to an organization that is sympathetic to Naramata Centre’s purpose? Book your group events and retreats at the Centre

  • Become a member of the Board of Directors or a voting member of the Naramata Centre Society

  • Donate or make a gift-in-kind donation.

Annual General Meeting
June 25, 2025

Join us at our upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM). Participants need to register for the event and may attend in person or online.

You may attend the AGM if you are not currently a member. But if you wish to vote in the AGM, you must be a member for at least three months prior to the AGM date.

Annual memberships cost $20 and can be purchased online or over the phone. Be sure to purchase your membership before March 25, 2025, to be eligible to vote in the annual general meeting on June 25, 2025.

Ahead of the AGM you will be emailed a meeting package including the agenda and other relevant documents. Please ensure you use a current email address.

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